Thursday, 31 March 2011

Adding Sybase IQ driver to Jasper iReport

How to Add Sybase IQ to ireport 4 Linux.

Get jconnect60.jar (Sybase IQ Driver)
Put Driver into  /iReport-4.0.1/ireport/modules/ext/
In iReport go to Tools/Options
Go to iReport option
Go to Classpath tab
Click add JAR
Browse to find Driver in /iReport-4.0.1/ireport/modules/ext/
and select jconnect60.jar
Select ok.
Driver added.

Now when you add data source

Use com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDataSource as your jdbs Driver
and jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:2638/MYDATABASE as your URL


  1. Hi Ryan. I have been trying to setup iReport to talk to sybase for a while now, but so far have been unsuccessful. I have done more or less what you have posted with some minor exceptions ...

    First, when downloading the latest driver from Sybase, I received jconn3.jar instead of jconnect6.jar. Second, in the drop down for JDBC Driver, I only see Sybase (com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver) but its red, so I assume it doesn't find the JAR I copied in.

    Everything else I did exactly the same. I can't figure out whats going on. It accepts the JAR in the classpath, but no messages come up. Am I missing something? Any idea?


  2. Hi Zhann.
    Sorry to reply so late, but I have been on holiday recently.
    Have you sorted out your connection issue yet.
    Will help as much as I can and will send you my jar if needed

  3. Hi Zhann
    You must type in the jdbc driver manually like in the screen shot it wont appear in the drop down.
